Electric Guitar Key Chain

  • $0.78

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This item has a stock design that can be included with your imprint. IE. hair, fur, guitar strings, auto design, handle etc. See Imprint/Artwork for Download Template.
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We accept any file type and will provide an email proof for your review and approval before production can begin.
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Side 2 Imprint * :
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300 30.00% Off
500 33.00% Off
1000 36.00% Off
3000 40.00% Off


Rock your promotions and fundraisers with this dual function gift. Make stars of guitar fans of all ages with a personalized message. Bands and fans love these colorful keychain bottle openers.

Product Size: 3½” L x 1-1/8” H x 1/8” T

Product Weight: 100 pcs / 5 lbs

Production Time: 5 Working Days

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